BAR® – Who We Are
Partners & Faculty

The BAR® Partners and its Faculty are exceptional graduates of the BAR 5-Day Program® in which they have served as instructors since their certification. Their individual accomplishments within the beverage alcohol and hospitality industries are likewise of the highest rank.

The BAR® Faculty represent a remarkable group of the world’s leading spirits and cocktails authorities, adding to the strong foundation built by Founding Members Dale DeGroff, Doug Frost, Steven Olson, F. Paul Pacult, Andy Seymour and David Wondrich. The teaching group has widened dramatically to now include over a dozen of the industry’s top talent in addition to Dale, Doug, Steve, Andy and David. They are:

Anu Apte
Tiffanie Barriere
Jacques Bezuidenhuit
Tad Carducci
• Chris Chamberlain
Lucia Creed
Tracie Franklin
Kate Gerwin
Stephen Gould
Chris Johnson
Misty Kalkofen
Miguel F. Lancha
ms franky marshall
Shannon Mustipher
Mary Palac
Liz Rhoades
Jon Santer
Willy Shine
Jason Snopkoski
Duane Sylvestre
Dominic Venegas
Charlotte Voisey
Amie Ward
Karl-Franz Williams
• Carlos Yturria

As of 2022 Dale DeGroff, F. Paul Pacult, Andy Seymour and David Wondrich have transitioned from Partner to Emeritus status.

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