Dale DeGroff Helps Answer “Bartender, Mixologist or Bar Chef?”

Don Billings requested the assistance of five big-names in the profession to help confirm the most appropriate label for the person that mixes your beverage. Dale DeGroff is included in the “panel” and Dave Wondrich is mentioned as the historian that identified the first documented use of the term “Mixologist“. Click this to read “Bartender, Mixologist or Bar Chef – that is the question. What is the best description, or is there one?” at the “In the Mix” magazine website.

“How To Train a 21st Century Bartender?” – BIN

Beverage Industry News – BIN

March 2013 issue

“How To Train a 21st Century Bartender?”

Quotable: “Paul Pacult, who leads the hydra-headed Beverage Alcohol Resource program (better known as BAR)…says Pacult: “I believe that we are now attracting what I think of as a ‘second wave’ of young women and men who in the last five years have become intrigued with the bartending profession.” BAR is an intensive five-day course focusing not only on mixology but also the history of spirits through a broad range of categories and traditions.”