It’s as simple as pulling the cork and then pouring the contents into a serving decanter. Sort of. Take a closer look at the proper way (at least at Downton Abbey) of decanting a bottle of wine. Give it a try…
When a terrific winery closes, it feels almost like a death in the family
Read Doug Frost’s insightful look at what happens when one of the best winery’s in the country closes it’s doors and how to buy that pricey bottle of wine. Theres more…
As wine age, texture improves, but where do sugars go?
Doug Frost shares observations about where the sweet goes as a wine ages. The inspiration for Doug was a recent taste of Fritz Haag’s Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Goldkapsule Auslese 2001. The sweetness had disappeared from previous tastings which reminded Doug that “wines become drier with the years.” Click this to read Doug’s thoughts published at
Dale DeGroff Helps Answer “Bartender, Mixologist or Bar Chef?”
Don Billings requested the assistance of five big-names in the profession to help confirm the most appropriate label for the person that mixes your beverage. Dale DeGroff is included in the “panel” and Dave Wondrich is mentioned as the historian that identified the first documented use of the term “Mixologist“. Click this to read “Bartender, Mixologist or Bar Chef – that is the question. What is the best description, or is there one?” at the “In the Mix” magazine website.
Wondrich Guides the Creation of an Old-School Gin
Ben Maude writes in the Eugene Daily News about the creation of Ransom Old Tom Gin and how the distiller consulted with Dave Wondrich to be sure they “got it right.” Click this to read the entire article at and learn more about the effort required to reinvent old-school spirits.
“How To Train a 21st Century Bartender?” – BIN
Beverage Industry News – BIN
March 2013 issue
“How To Train a 21st Century Bartender?”
Quotable: “Paul Pacult, who leads the hydra-headed Beverage Alcohol Resource program (better known as BAR)…says Pacult: “I believe that we are now attracting what I think of as a ‘second wave’ of young women and men who in the last five years have become intrigued with the bartending profession.” BAR is an intensive five-day course focusing not only on mixology but also the history of spirits through a broad range of categories and traditions.”
Ferment Nation Features Frost Exploring Cocktails
Doug Frost continues his appearances in the Ferment Nation series produced by KCPT. In this episode he leaves the grapes on the vine and explores the world of cocktails. Click this to see the video at
Wine can be spoken of as art when it has passion, inspires
Doug Frost writes for the Kansas City Star to cautiously share his comparison of wine with other art forms. The recent passing of Lou Reed inspired Doug to write this article. Click here to read, “Wine can be spoken of as art when it has passion, inspires” at
The 10 Cocktails That Made My Career: Dale Degroff
Alia Akkam asked Dale DeGroff to reveal important beverages from his early days in the craft-cocktail movement. Click this to read Akkam’s article and find a terrific collection of photos to guide you through Dale’s beverage history at
Bob Learns How BAR Can Help Your Employees
Bob Krummert writes for Restaurant Hospitality to explain how the BAR Guys created an online school without any catch! Bob looked for a catch — couldn’t find one. Click this to read about everything Bob studied in his article, “Top pros offer no-cost bartender training tool” at